What is stress and how can it affect your body?
We all have an idea of what stress means, but that idea may not be complete. Stress is a person’s physical mental or emotional response to change or demand. The different types of stress include acute, episodic and chronic. Acute stress is your reaction to pressures or anticipated pressures of the recent past and near future respectively.1 It’s short-term stress and includes everyday situations like traffic or having an argument. Episodic stress is frequent acute stress.1 Usually those with episodic stress have constant nervous energy, have too much going on in their life that they cannot seem to get their head above water, are irritable and impatient, or are always worrying about life. Chronic stress1 results in feeling hopeless about escaping a situation(s) that is depressing, painful or traumatic over extended amounts of time. Being homeless, feeling trapped in a job you hate, or challenging family dynamics can lead to chronic stress.
Another point to remember is that stressors don’t always carry a negative connotation. There can be both positive and negative stress in everyday life: eustress and distress. Eustress can be the thrill of a rollercoaster ride, beginning a new job or having a baby – all positive life events that create normal, nervous or overwhelmed reactions.2 Distress is the opposite and includes negative stressors like experiencing a death, having a car accident, work or relationship conflict.2
What are adaptogens?
Adaptogens are natural substances that may help the body adapt to physical and emotional stressors.4 They have thousands of years’ worth of history, thought to promote calming, and mood balancing qualities.4 Common adaptogens include ashwagandha, eleuthero, passionflower and rhodiola – which are in nutraMetrix Bliss®.
nutraMetrix Bliss® helps maintain healthy levels of serotonin. What is serotonin and how does it affect mood and behavior?
As a neurotransmitter, serotonin (
5-hydroxytryptamine) plays a key role in the central nervous system and digestive system as it sends messages and signals between nerve cells.
5 In the brain, extensive research suggests` serotonin is heavily involved in mood regulation. Also known as the “happy” or “feel-good” brain chemical, when serotonin levels are low, many people experience poor or imbalanced mood symptoms.
5* When serotonin levels are healthy, people are more likely to experience calmer, more focused and stable moods.
5 nutraMetrix Bliss® helps maintain healthy levels of dopamine. What is dopamine and how does it affect mood and behavior?
Like serotonin, dopamine is a neurotransmitter. Research shows dopamine to have several functions in the brain, including its effect on a person’s feelings of reward and motivation, memory, attention and body movement.
6* Low levels of dopamine in the body have shown to alter mood, reducing feelings of motivation and enthusiasm.
6What is GABA and how does it affect body and mind?
GABA (gamma-aminobutyric acid) is the primary inhibitory neurotransmitter that controls functions in your body and mind. Along with glutamate, an excitatory neurotransmitter in the central nervous system, balanced levels of these neurotransmitters are associated with relaxing the body and mood regulation.
Are the ingredients in nutraMetrix Bliss® safe?
nutraMetrix Bliss Anti-Stress formula is a carefully formulated blend of herbal ingredients that do not have any known undesirable side effects.
How does nutraMetrix Bliss® promote relaxation without drowsiness?
nutraMetrix Bliss contains herbal ingredients like L-theanine that have shown in studies to help relax or reduce stress without the side effect of drowsiness. For example, L-theanine does not produce theta brain waves, which are associated with drowsiness. Instead, studies show it helps support alpha brain waves, promoting a state of relaxation and focus.
How should I take this product?
Adults, take two tablets daily, or as directed by your healthcare provider.
When should I take nutraMetrix Bliss®?
nutraMetrix Bliss® may be taken when you know you will be under stress. Taken regularly may allow you to get the full benefits of this product as every day has some kind of stress.
How long before I see results?
Although everyone’s body is different, generally, results do not take long to experience. Many people feel the effects of nutraMetrix Bliss® after the first serving, while others may notice effects after a few days.
Can I take nutraMetrix Bliss® Anti-Stress Formula instead of my prescription?
No, it is not intended to replace prescription drugs. nutraMetrix® Bliss™ Anti-Stress is a dietary supplement designed to help adapt to stress and enhance mood.* Consult with your healthcare provider before you stop taking any prescription(s).
If I am on a prescription for anxiety and/or depression, is it safe to use nutraMetrix Bliss® Anti-Stress Formula?
While all the ingredients in nutraMetrix Bliss are herbal, they may have side effects. We recommend consulting your healthcare provider before you begin using any dietary supplement.
Are there any contraindications for nutraMetrix Bliss®?
If you are currently taking warfarin (Coumadin), other antiplatelet/anticoagulant medications, antihypertensive medications, antidepressants, antianxiety medications or have an ongoing medical condition, you should consult your healthcare provider before using this product. Women who are pregnant or breastfeeding should not use this product. This product may decrease the effects of caffeine and other stimulants.
What are other ways I can manage stress?
nutraMetrix Bliss can be a helpful dietary supplement for helping you adapt to stress and feel more balanced. However, nutraMetrix Bliss is not a cure to stress. Rather it is formulated to help adapt to stress and balance mood.
Other ways to help manage stress include recognizing signs of how your body responds to stress,10 as they may indicate you are not coping with situations in ways that benefit your health. You can also try activities like exercise10, which may boost your mood, or things that promote relaxation (e.g. meditation, yoga, etc.). Additionally, having a support network of friends and/or family10 may be helpful ways to help manage stress levels. One last thing – when you feel overwhelmed and don’t think you can cope, reach out to a healthcare professional for help.10 They may help provide you with resources and recommendations.